The Den

The first of our two classrooms, called the Den, provides learning experiences inspired by the Montessori method. With a wide variety of frequently rotated materials, children build skills of independence, practical life, fine motor, literacy and numeracy, and more.

The Meadow

Our second classroom, called the Meadow, is equipped with climbing structures, building materials, car, trucks, and more. The Meadow also serves as our art room.

Open Ended Toys

Our space is filled with open ended toys, allowing kids to be in charge of the play narrative. Open ended materials can be imagined into new and different objects every day. When play is child-led instead of toy-led, the possibilities are endless.


Sensory Exploration

We learn best when we engage our senses. Though sensory play, children naturally use the scientific processes while they play, investigate, create and discover new sensations.


Our intentional space is designed to encourage independence. Furniture is low to the ground for easy access to materials. Activities are organized and developmentally appropriate. Kids practice routines that allow them to choose materials and move around the room while cleaning up along the way.


We believe the space children occupy should be as beautiful as spaces for adults. At the Hollow you’ll find colors and materials inspired by nature and artwork and small details for kids to notice and enjoy.